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LSU Olinde Career Center

Student Worker, Staff Artist

I have worked as a student worker at the LSU Olinde Career Center since starting my freshman year at LSU. I was placed in the Career Center through a scholarship program that ensures students a student worker position, and am so happy that I was placed here! I have been able to work with students from every major and help them find jobs. I have also gotten to meet employers from every industry! I have loved being part of such an important campus resource and helping students achieve their goals.
As a student worker, I mostly work at our Career Center's front desk and Recruitment Center. I schedule appointments and performed administrative tasks. I've also helped with awesome campus events such as the LSU Career Expo. In my role as Staff Artist, I help with creating artwork for Career Center promotional materials.
The Career Center and the student workers there became such a family to me during my time at LSU. I was so thankful to be a part of such a vital resource for students and meet so many great people.

LSU Olinde Career Center: About
LSU Olinde Career Center: Pro Gallery
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