Ava Landry
Flood Gate Design Project
CM 1020: Intro to Engineering Graphics
Semester: Fall 2016
Programs Used: SolidWorks
Skills Developed:​ Engineering drawing basics, 3D modeling, Team collaboration
Team Members: Ava Landry (ME), Miguel Nabatilan (ME), Amelie Thomas (ME)
My Experience
This flood gate design was created as part of my Introduction to Engineering Graphics course. The group project prompt was to work on a team to create a design for a commercial product that could be used in flood relief efforts. This project was assigned after the Louisiana floods of 2016, where many families were displaced or lost belongings. Our team collaborated to design an automatic flood gate that would be used in homes.
Engineering Drawing Basics
In this course, we focused on the basics and formatting of engineering drawings. For this project specifically, we presented drawings with correct title block and sheet format, correct dimensions, and a bill of materials. I was able to understand industry standards for drawings.
3D Modeling
For this project, we used SolidWorks to make all of our designs. We focused on making assemblies and got an understanding of how each component fit into the bigger assembly drawings.
Team Collaboration
This project was a collaboration between 3 students. This was the first college course where I was expected to collaborate on a design. Our team experienced several communication hurdles, but I was able to practice effective methods for overcoming these and finishing the proejct.