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"Alien Abduction"

ART 2050: Digital Art 

Medium: Adobe PhotoShop


Semester: Summer 2020


Skills Developed:​ Adobe PhotoShop

Alien Abduction: Welcome

My Experience

This piece was created for my Digital Art course. It was the first time I've used PhotoShop, and I am so proud of how it turned out!

Adobe PhotoShop

I was able to practice cropping, resizing, and adding effects to images to create compositions. I especially enjoyed taking such a large variety of images and combining them to portray a narrative.

Alien Abduction: List

Lessons Learned

Alien Abduction: Projects

Tell A Story

I think part of what made this piece so successful was its ability to convey a story through the images and colors. For art to be interesting, I think conveying a message goes a long way.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 6
Image 7
Image 8
Image 9
Alien Abduction: Gallery
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